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Research Databases

Icon is Academic Search Premier

Database of more than 5,900+ magazines and journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. Click link to Academic Search Premier

Icon is Britannica School

Encyclopedia with areas devoted to Canadian content. Click link to Britannica School

Icon is Britannica Launch Packs Science

Offers teachers and students access to high-quality, diverse content sets.
Click link to Britannica Launch Packs Science

Icon is Explora Canada

Cross-search databases such as Academic Search Premier, Canadian Reference Centre, and Canadian Points of View Reference Centre
Click link to Explora Canada

Icon is Canadian Points of View

Designed to assist in understanding a full scope of controversial subjects from a uniquely Canadian perspective.
Click link to Canadian Points of View

Icon is Canadian Reference Centre

Offers a full-text collection of regional and international periodicals, newspapers, and newswires.
Click link to Canadian Reference Centre

Comprehensive reader's advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction books.
Click link to NoveList Plus

Icon is Teen Health & Wellness

Self-help tools on topics including diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health and much more.
Click link to Teen Health & Wellness

Icon is Universalis

French database provides access to more than 38,000 articles.
Click link to Universalis

Icon is World News Digest

Record of domestic and international news and covers all major political, social, and economic events since November 1940.
Click link to World News Digest

Collection of consumer health information provides access to​ 70 + full-text consumer health magazines​ along with searchable full​-text for current health pamphlets.
Click link to Health Source

This collection provides cover-to-cover full text for ​520+ national, international, and regional newspapers.
Click link to Newspaper Source 

Digital Books, Music & Videos

How to access eBooks/eAudiobooks from Sora (adapted/A. Burton, MDHS)
Icon is Sora

Borrow fiction, non-fiction, comic books, and magazines in a variety of languages in eBook and eAudiobook formats.
Click link to Sora

Icon is Naxos Music Library

Stream classical, jazz, pop, and rock music, and access an array of other music resources.
Click link to Naxos Music Library

Access 4,000+ audio and video tracks, 60+ composer features, and 40+ music activities.  
Click link to Naxos Music Box

Icon is CBC Curio

Streaming access to the best educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada in English.
Click link to CBC Curio English

Icon is CBC Curio

Streaming access to the best educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada in French.
Click link to CBC Curio French

Vetted, easy-to-use, media library correlated to Ontario Curriculum Standards.
Click link to Learn360

Collection of award-winning content, access streaming videos by subject area with descriptions that include grade levels, running times, and summaries.
Clink link to McIntyre Media

Other Resources

Icon is Canadian Encyclopedia

Bilingual, national online encyclopedia produced by, for, and about the people of Canada, charting its events, culture, history and landscape.
Click link to Canadian Encyclopedia

Icon is National Film Board

Online resources featuring video-based productions such as full-length films, trailers and clips, in both French and English.
Click link to National Film Board

Icon is Links to Explore

Links to explore such as Arts, Health, Language, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Sciences.
Click link to Links to Explore

Icon is the Learning Portal

Citation tool helps with work citations.
Click link to The Learning Portal

Discover unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows,  and much more!​
Click link to CBC Corner

Access a growing collection of open access journals, books, images, and media.
Click link to JSTOR

Icon is The Inquiry Process

Click link to The Inquiry Process